dark obsidian

By darkobsidian

And as if by magic.....

This wasn't the shot I intended to take today - in fact I didn't even know this existed but I'm now delighted to know that it does!

In a bid to distract myself from thinking about tomorrow I was heading down to Glasgow Green to maybe take some photos of the river where I used to row (badly I hasten to add!) many years ago in my school days when this quaint little shop caught my eye. Now Mr Benn was my absolute favourite cartoon as a child so I couldn't resist the temptation to stop and have a look and take a photo or two.

Ironically, the last time I was interviewed for a job I started the interview off with a presentation on management based around the character of Mr Benn so to come across my hero in such a surprising way the very day before my interview I'm wondering if it's some kind of sign? Am I supposed to pop into the shop choose and outfit and as if by magic be transported to some far off wonderful, am I supposed to forget about the job interview and go home and watch some classic Mr Benn DVDs or am I supposed to go home, look out my suit (minus the bowled hat) and get myself into character for the dreaded interview tomorrow. I know what I'd like to do but sometimes good sense must prevail!

"I think if human beings had genuine courage, they'd wear their costumes every day of the year, not just on Halloween. Wouldn't life be more interesting that way? And now that I think about it, why the heck don't they? Who made the rule that everybody has to dress like sheep 364 days of the year? Think of all the people you'd meet if they were in costume every day. People would be so much easier to talk to - like talking to dogs. "

Douglas Coupland - The Gum Thief

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