GAD's 365



A lazy shot tonight I'm afraid. Mainly because I'm exhausted. The day started as it meant to go on. That damned clock change meant that it felt like my alarm was going off in the middle of the night. Been in meetings all day. After work I had to go over to Whitley Bay to check on our other flat. Got back home and immediately started ripping the tiles up from the bathroom floor and then removed the skirting boards. Topped it all off by fitting the new oven. Now I'm absolutely done in!

Anyway, enough of my woes. This is my 'middle' progress picture. I posted the 'before' shot way back on the 5th March.. It's quite motivating to look back and see how much has changed. I'm also quite aware of how much there is still to do and how exhausting this constant working is becoming. When I watched the F1 yesterday, it occurred to me that is was the first time I have relaxed at home in over a fortnight.

Hopefully, by the end of this weekend there will be light at the end of the tunnel. I really can't wait to post the 'after' shot but I may wait until all the little finishing touches are done.

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