remain inside, unseen
Due to a particular thing malfunctioning at work I had cause to speak to a bloke who uses some of the data from it, to whom I speak every six months or so either when something has broken or when there's something to be changed. It so happened that this moring (when there was cause to speak to him) was the same morning he'd seen me anticipate, evade and gesture at a van (nothing rude, just trying to imply that the driver needed to pay more attention to things) a couple of streets away from the office. The way he mentioned this over the phone made me worry for a second that he might have been driving the van but I tend to forget that pedestrians can also see things on the road, especially on that street when they're so desperate to cross that they lose any ability to estimate vehicle speed and rely on the disinclination of most vehicle-pilots to actually hit someone.
Sooner than I expected, it became a bit too late to pop out, though I managed to get out at lunchtime. I got as far as getting changed but then reasoned that the chance of extra sleep should never be willingly ignored. Then I went downstairs and spent an hour fiddling about with today's pictures and adjusting settings on the camera and trying to get it to stop doing the only known bug of creating new folders on a whim, meaning that I'll have to adapt my card-extracting utility, though I managed to avoid doing this. Edgar has just had a wee peep but has now gone back to sleep and will hopefully not peep again until the morning. If I try to go to sleep now I might get seven hours.
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