The Rambling Path

By MuddyFox


Emergency Blip!

Well, doing my essay tonight so I can go home tomorrow afternoon and see my parents before I go away to New Zealand on the 1st of April! Can't wait!! In the process of packing... trying not to forget anything, or at least not anything important!!

Working hard most of the day - will a few interruptions from friends :) I love my friends :)

Big day tomorrow - Environmental Management Project Pitch!!
Bit like dragons den - we've been working on Wales based projects (we're proposing an eco-school in the small town of Tregaron) and tomorrow we're competing for the funding! Of course it's all made up, though there are members of the council there to judge!

Exciting but nervous - got to get dressed up smart and everything :D

Anyway, back to the essay.

Amusing image here - do you think I need a haircut?!

Song of the day: Running

Quote from the paper I'm reading "Higher grade schists (chlorite zone IIB and IV with well developed foliation and alteration) of the Caples and Rakaia terranes compose the Barrier Range and Forbes Mountains to the north and east..." Brilliant. I love geography.

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