a life in photos

By fernridge


I'm very pleased with this photo.

I went out with the camera this morning because there were three or four fantails (native bird of New Zealand) bustling around the native garden at the front door. I sat and watched them playing, and snapped a heap of photos, but they move so fast, my little camera just doesn't focus quick enough, so mostly I just got blurry shots of unrecognisable birds or lovely focused shots of a tree branch.

I gave up and was just heading back inside when I spotted this wax eyes eating the berries/seed pods in the cabbage tree flower and next minute he hangs himself upside down to get just the right angle on his feast. Snap, and its done! much easier than the fantails, and far more impressive - and I promise you, he is upside down - look at the leaves on the tree behind him... I didn't just rotate the photo.

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