
Sitting on her nest of sticks and twigs, this dove has been actively incubating her eggs for a period of time. I guess that soon there will be a new bald head or two peeping from underneath her cosy, warm protection.

Next to our garage is a carport of which the roof is supported by pillars .

The tops of these pillars seem to be favorite spots for these doves, as this is not the first nest that have been constructed here. About 6+ feet above the ground, it is safe from cats and dogs; and the closeness of the roof offers a secure corner.

As soon as the babies are blippable, they will make an appearance on this page.


I had a look on the net and found the following identification:

Scientific Name: Columba Guinea

Common Name: Speckled Pigeon

Old Name: Rock Pigeon

Identification: red eye ring - dark tail band - white spotted wings - red legs

Habitat: mountain ranges - coastal cliffs

Distribution: Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe

Call: "hooo hooo hooo"

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