To do
Rubbish day today.
There was some tolerable home school stuff (but some shouting from everyone too). Katherine's maths could at best be described as 'imaginative', which is not so much what you want with decimals. She 'got' prime numbers though, so that's something. Conor remains unconvinced of the merits of learning to read, but some carrot and stick (actually crumpets and putting his toys on top of the shelves in toy purgatory) resulted in some work being done.
Lots of sorting our lives out which was depressing us enormously, but things looked up at the end of the day.
This list, put on the fridge by the kids, made me smile too. I love how they just sneak in the Harry Potter Lego Castle, like I won't notice and will just pop it in the trolley along with the crumpets and milk.
The census form is finished, with some fun the other day asking the kids to help fill in the bits about them. I'm English and Mr B is Scottish, so our kids are a bit of each. The one born in England declared herself on the form to be 'Scottish', which is fine, but the one born in Scotland who has never lived anywhere else declared himself firmly and immovably 'English'. (I figured out later he thought the question was about language, so just ignored them and put what I wanted for both of them.) Mr B tried to subvert the whole exercise by putting daft answers on his section, but as head of the household (for the purposes of form-filling if nothing else) I overruled him too.
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