Are You Frost Free?
Just as we are being lulled into thinking that we could possibly be into Spring, the weather forecast turns back to wet and slightly less warm, but more importantly with much cooler night temperatures and, if you are in Scotland, the chance of Frost.
At this point, when the babies I planted on the windowsill some time ago are rapidly becoming triffids, this is not the news I want to hear. The kitchen windowsill is covered, a little set of shelves are covered, the worksurface is being reduced daily, the dining room cabinet is struggling to hold anything under the weight of the chitting potatoes. As pots become bigger and bigger, I need those frosts to go and soon please.
I am eager to get the potatoes in the ground, along with their mussel shells, cleaned and ground, some blood & guts (my name for Bonemeal) and some shredded paper. I've dug the drills and blew up the shredder, just waiting now.
Later I am taking two of the mini sweetcorn, courgette and sunflower up to the allotment to put them into the coldframe I made. Time has taught me that patience in these matters pays dividends. If the coldframe isn't as cold free as I hope the plants will curl up and die instantly. So by taking them up a few at a time over the next few weeks I have more chance of feeding the frogs, rabbits, pigeons, slugs etc with what doesn't get killed by the frost. It's easy this growing lark - really, have a go. I always have success, never have I been in the mud on my knees crying into the soil over lost plantlets. Never!
Next week an entire builders sack of compost arrives. My spinach intake is on the up in preparation for the wheelbarrowing up and down all day. I'll be a size '0' by the summer if I'm not careful - better bake a scone or two just in case.
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