PomPom Pilates

By orangepress


Since dawa means "medicine" or "magic potion" in Swahili, the potent Dawa Cocktail is said to cure whatever ails you. I, for one, was healed!

The recipe is based on the Brazilian Caipoerinha and was introduced to east Africa via Kenya. It is now one of the most widely consumed cocktails in East Africa!


* 1 tsp sugar or 1 tbsp brown sugar
* 60ml (2 tots) vodka
* crushed ice cubes
* 1 whole lime, quartered with skin on
* 1 dawa stick
* honey

- Put lime and sugar into a whisky tumbler.
- Crush limes slightly, add ice and pour in the vodka.
- Twist a dawa stick into some honey and add the stick to the drink. A wooden honey stick or other type of stick twisted in honey will work.
- Muddle limes with dawa or honey stick.
- The more you crush the limes into the mixture and stir the sweeter the taste.

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