Mmmmm pudding!

Funny enough, when it comes to yummy desserts, Kerr has no trouble at all with loading his spoon and getting it in his mouth. He does spill a little, but certainly doesn't need any assistance like with his main course :-)

This was taken at mum and dad's house this evening after I collected Kerr from the childminder. He was tucking into a Milky Bar Dessert, lucky boy. We were waiting for Kerrsdaddy to get off the train before we headed yet again to Ikea. House stress continues, nearing 5 weeks now with no functioning kitchen. Not to mention the roof, doors, carpets, bathroom, the list goes on and on. So fed up with it all, feel like screaming aaaaggghhhhh!

On the plus side, we purchased a few Ikea Pear Ciders which are currently chilling in the freezer. I think it is now cider o'clock :-)

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