
By cracker

Sandy Point Sunset!

What another great day!! This morning Spence, Kaz and I went and played nine holes of golf together! We hired a golf buggy so that Spence didn't have to walk as far and it would be a bit quicker! We got to play the whole nine without Spence getting bored! It was great!

It was such a beautiful day today! No wind, blue skies! We finished playing golf then met up with my sister, Shell and her baby, Ella and had lunch. We sat in the park and ate it and then went to another park with play equipment so that Spence could have a play around. The park is right beside the sports oval in Foster and while we were there the Police helicopter landed in the middle of the oval and picked up two police officers then flew off! Spence loved it!! It was so big and noisy and created a lot of wind!

We came home and Spence had a rest (no sleep) then we all went over to the beach for an hour! Kaz and I took turns surfing while the other one played with Spence! Spence had a great time. He was in the water for most of that time playing and we were jumping waves with him!

We came home and then Spence watched Monsters Inc again and I rode back over to the beach after getting things ready to cook tea to take photos of the sunset! It was awesome!! There was a little bit of cloud near the horizon, no wind and beautiful colours!! There were a few other people there watching it too!

Yesterday we put in an offer on the house we liked down here and today we found out it had been accepted!! So in 90 days, as long as our finances come through, we will be the proud owners of a beach house in Sandy Point!! It's so exciting!!

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