Sprint & Spirit

By jerryshi734

A Thousand Times I've Walked These Halls

The fine arts hallway of Troy High. Strangely, this may be the part of the building I miss the most. Even though I'm usually with my friends in the midst of chaos, this is the one hallway in the whole school that always feels serene. Every day, I walk it after hopping out of my car, on my way to first hour; before and after orchestra second hour; after school, either to go home or to go to my locker before clubs or sports; and sometime one more time before I finally go home.

Today was the National Spanish Exam. Man, level 5 (AP level) was hard. Because it was in the middle of second hour, I was the only one in the hallway, so I busted out my camera for a quick pic. I haven't taken many photos of Troy High itself, especially the inside, but this one will be memorable.


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