Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

subtle glance..........

so today was my last day at the office............don't have much more to say about it really. i don't feel anything one way or the other and thats unusual for me. who cares, there was barely a goodbye from anyone so that about sums it up nicely.

anyway todays blip...............not the one i wanted to show you, but if i publish the original idea i may end up in trouble with MI5 or 6 or whatever agency is keeping an eye on us "terrorists".

thats right folks for the second time in my blip carreer i have been stopped and questioned as to my activities at that moment. todays was a real jobsworth. as i was getting my starbucks from the kiosk outside london bridge station i thought i would blip it under my "reasons to be cheerful" theme. (cheers to scobes again for that one). so i casually took a few shots of the cup in focus but all else blurred. i was very pleased with the result but after todays encounter i don't feel safe posting it.
so as i was about to put my camera away this tool hurries over and asks, "are you filming the station?".
"no", i replied.
"are you filming this railway station?"
at this point i realised how big a twat i was dealing with. he had obviously been to the training course and having taken it all in, gone of to rid the world of those pesky terrorists.
again i told him no and explained that it was in fact a camera, not a camcorder and if he had been paying enough attention he would have noticed that at no point did i in fact point the camera at the station of even remotely in the same direction (as i was taking my shots i had my back to the station).

"you know you're not allowed to film here"
"thats good i said, as i told you i was only taking pictures and not even of the station."

and at this point he hit me with such a great line i nearly buckled in my subtle antagonism of this guy, he said "ah well we're expecting terrorists!".

i mean really, "is this similar to the IRA calling up and telling people there is a bomb about to go off? did they ring to let you know they would be by to do some COVERT fi;ming?".

this did not go down well but he seemed to accept that i wasn't a one man hit squad and made the point of telling me that i did not in fact look like a terrorist but he " had to check". i did explain that i was scottish if that would help him in any way. again he didn't seem to get it.

so after my run in i decided to go with this pic (until the heats off). in fact i am going to go over to london bridge tomorrow and retake that blip. one, beacause i liked the pic and want to use it but mostly because of reason number two..............which would be to wind up as many of these overly zealous security types who after there one day terrorist seminar think they are now experts on the subject. sad thing is most of these guys wouldn't make it into the TA's never mind the sort of organisation they think they belong too.

ok so rant over for today, back blipped for yesterday as well which you can check out here.
sorry for the lack of comments but still having internet connection issues. will have it sorted soon................honest.

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