Da - Ve

What does that stand for again? Sensory afferent, dorsal. Motor efferent, ventral? Yes! It worked! We learned that last semester, I think. It feels like so long ago, but I can't remember.

I dropped off some ibuprofen, aleve, excedrin, and a huge bottle of gatorade for Dave here. He's been throwing up for the past 24 hours. Notice the distance I am maintaining from myself and said sickling. I left the medicine on his door step, rang the doorbell, and hopped down the stairs. I do not want to get sick. I am actively trying to prevent any sort of sickness from pervading my immune system.

This was the only photo I took today.

I backblipped over a week's worth of blips. Finally. That's been hanging over my head. Maybe now I can sleep.

Today is Mal's 500th blipday. Proud of her! Show her some blip-love, please. She's a favorite of mine.

The reason I decided 'to hell with it, I need to blip' was because of an unsettling situation in my graduate program. Someone is literally always complaining. This time, people are complaining that there is going to be a bonus added to our physiology grades and more people will get As. I just have one thing to say to the people that are actively trying to thwart the bonus points being given to students: I do not want you to be a colleague of mine, now or in the future. If you are bent on hurting other student's grades when it does not negatively impact or affect you, there is something seriously wrong with your motives. You have a lack of character and you are a selfish person. I don't even need the points. Granted, I do have an 89.489( goes on in a similar fashion), but I'm already in medical school regardless if I have an A or a B. Ah, I'm too tired to write at this point. I just hope those people stop talking. Counting down the days until I'm out of this program and into medical school and, hopefully, these people will not be going to my school.

Photography is so wonderfully therapeutic.

Tomorrow is my last group presentation - Hallelujah.

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