Wandering Gypsie

By WanderingGypsie

Just Keep Swimming..

Today is my grandpa's 81st birthday! I miss him so much!

"In the ocean of life, it's all you can do to survive. So, Just keep swimming"

This is another wind chime on the front porch. it's made of the inside of sea shells (probably clams would be my guess) and painted to look like fish. it's seen better days, but it's still pretty and something you'd OBVIOUSLY find at a touristy beach front gift shop ;)

Today, i got a joyful teary phone call from a really good friend. I had sent her a text a few days back, telling her i was sending a package, but to be careful lifting it's got a bit of weight to it. it arrived today, apparently at just the right time. It was a care package.

I know what it's like to have a big family and struggle. hell, i'm still struggling.. but if i have it to give, and you're my friend or family it's yours. people fall on hard times, and if we can't reach out and help each other then what's the point? I was raised to help and that was enough..knowing that a smile, sigh of relief was payment enough. I don't ever expect or ask anything in return. i "just keep swimming" and taking things day by day.
I've recently lost this outlook..but i'm feeling more on track today. which is completely odd as Mercury is retrograde. (astrology peoples will know what this is..and if you don't google it) Usually Mercury Retrograde periods are the BAIN of my existence. I'm super happy this one got off to a good start, aside from my cell phone issues ;)

So, this blip turned into a huge story. Sometimes things just need to be said/shared.

have a good wednesday.

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