Clare Fowler

By AnsdellClare

Oh we do like to be beside the seaside...

Today was my day off, so I spent most of it doing housework, shopping and general odd jobs that I should have done much sooner! Then I decided that the day was too lovely to waste any more time indoors and at 3.30pm I went down to the beach with my camera.

Ah yes, of course, it's half term, isn't it? Because the sun had been out all day and the weather so mild, the car park was packed to bursting point, and the chip van was parked alongside the ice cream van and both were doing a roaring trade!

There were some intrepid paddlers, but mostly people were walking, playing or eating and drinking! I took a few lovey shots of the sun on the water and a little girl paddling(with kind permission from her never can be too careful!) but this one just typified the English seaside to me, so this is what you got!

If I ever work out how to do links, I will post other shots, too, but for now, this is all I have to offer!

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