Family Dog

By Family_Dog

but it's not night-time Mummy...

I remember vividly the feeling of complete and utter outrage at being cheated and tricked by my mother at this time of year. Sending me to bed when it was light outside? How DARE she? I had eyes! I could see!

I'd lie in bed shouting my head off 'but it's not dark yet' and then force myself to stay in bed and not look out the window at the other (older) kids still allowed out to play.

Oh I remember the unjust like it was this very evening.

Might have something to do with a little ratbag refusing to go to bed - this very evening - for exactly the same reasons. 'It's not night time, Mummy - WOOK!'. I started off down the route of trying to explain that it had to do with being spring and lighter for longer and then stopped myself from going any further. 'You're not even 3 yet - what do YOU know?! Go to bed - Mummy says so'. Hah - that'll teach you.

Oh you won't stay in bed eh? Right. Well. Let's play that bloody game where you come through and I lead you back and don't talk to you and walk back out the room. Oh you want to do it again do you? Okay. I am not going to get mad. No. Oh and again. Right. Okay Pokes. Again? An eighth time I believe, right okay. I'll admire your tenacity if nothing to make it a ninth?

So far, so still in bed....

Honestly, it's times like this that gin should be PRESCRIBED to mothers. Yes even the pregnant ones.

Edit: and a ninth!

Edit: oh, there's the 10th...

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