Brodie Marno

By brodiemarno


Today's Blip is going to a lady who, for legal reasons, will remain anonymous.

Before i start i would like to say well done for the hard work put in to the class today.

Ok now that's done on the the real praise. The lady in question told us we couldn't do it as it was to hard. She also said that it was more 2nd year work. Dispite this she then said that she would do the hard bits and do everything we didnt know how to do to make our ideas a reality.

Oh yes and did i mention she also made an AMAZING carrot cake.

I would there for like to say that G****** M***** is by far the best teacher i have ever had. There is nothing that fazes her and it seems there is nothing she does not know.

She is an Inspiration to us all so thank you.... you know who you are

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