Cat's Paw

By catspaw

A Bold Assertion...

A friend of mine once agued that oatcakes have as much claim as the haggis to be regarded as Scotland's National Dish.

Whether you accept this claim or not, heritage and locality are nowadays great selling factors for many of our local foodstuffs.

However, much as I admire the taste of Stockan & Garden's Orkney Oatcakes, I find it hard to swallow the claim I saw earlier this evening on the front of the shelf in the new Banchory Tesco store that "Stockan & Garden's dates back to 1750 when they supplied goods to anchored HM ships during WWII".

Shome mishtake shurely...

[N.B. Photo taken using my mobile phone as I don't often have my usual camera to hand when grocery shopping.]

P.S. Does anyone know why they have recently shortened the name to just "Stockan's Oatcakes"?

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