Jake's Journal

By jakethreadgould

Oyster merchant.

To finally start research for my dissertation on the role of oysters in the culture of La Rochelle I went down to the market to get some audio interviews.

After snoozing for an appropriate amount of I got up and headed out. It was kind of a grey day today and it drizzled on and off. They market was lively. On Wednesdays and Saturdays the markets bursts outside the covered market building and snakes down all the streets off the main place de marché.

There's a reasonable amount of shouting going on, offers being rolled out and prices being dashed but it's quite a civil affair really, attracting much of the older La Rochelle generation. That being said, there were other people from all walks of life here too.

This is a portrait of Madame Chauvet, an oyster merchant who is based just south of La Rochelle but comes to the markets on. She was kind enough to be one of three people who gave me very helpful interviews today.

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