Square Frames

By squareframes

when is the

last time anyone had jello? I had a craving for mashed potatoes but had no milk so a grocery store run was in order while the little boiled potatoes sat cooling. I found the milk, then the chocolate milk, then the jello but never the sour cream, so I went a bit nutty. Cradling 6 things of jello, both milk and chocolate milk and butter at the last minute (you cannot forget butter) I found my way to the self check out.

Right now I am devouring the fruits of my labor last night. Watermelon jello. Chocolate milk might come next.

This picture has a bit of that silliness in it. I have always wanted a postcard from someone, anywhere (I guess not in this state at least) that says one thing. "Hi."

This is me, saying hi.

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