Jo's Place

By jokolton

Sew where are you my little needle . . .

Lovely Aunt Ewa bought me a sewing machine for Christmas . . .

I do not know how to sew, but decided that I needed to learn.

Pulled out the manual and figured out how to lace the thing up. Plugged it in and Ta Da: it actually worked!

Headed over to the library enthusiastically and brought home a bundle of books: Sew Easy, The Feisty Stitcher, One Yard Wonders & even Sewing Green, and what came of it? Nuthin. The books just left me more confused :|

Maybe I need Sewing for Dummies?

Started sewing sans instruction and came up with something that resembles a crooked brown paper bag. The kind for a sack lunch.

I will def have to work on this . . .

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