
By Mememe

Magnificent Magnolia

An early trip into town to meet with a friend for a cuppa then round to see C but she was out. Stopped as I'd seen this magnolia on the way to C's and thought it might come out OK if the wind would stop pushing it in all directions. While taking the pic's C called and said she had just got back and had seen me around the corner, did I fancy a cuppa, so I hightailed it back to hers. I was saying about the magnolia to C when her partner asked if I'd seen the tree in their neighbours garden, it is stunning, fully in bloom.

Off out again in a bit to a friends of Wiltshire Mind meeting where we are hoping to start organising some fund raising events. I have been slaving over a hot computer this last hour or so trying to find out information to put forward, but cannot say too much just now. I will keep you informed of the outcome in the coming days/weeks.

what do you do when some-one tells you something in confidence but you know that they are at risk. Apart from saying that I'm here there is not much else I feel able to do. Any ideas . . . .

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