Alison in Cambodia

By alisoncambodia

Feeling chilly

These women were feeling very, very cold as the temperature had plummeted to 25 degrees! It has been unseasonably cold here and Cambodia and Cambodian people are not equipped to deal with this.Normally this is the hot season and temperatures are up in the 40s However the weather recently has been almost European and even we have had to use blankets at night.These ladies finished their cooking and then turned the glowing charcoal out onto the grass to huddle round.Fires are common in Cambodia whatever the weather is doing. There is no rubbish collection in most towns and villages so rubbish is swept into piles at the roadside and burnt.Although I love to see the fires glowing in the evenings they do worry me. The surrounding ground is tinder box dry, most of the houses are made of wood and very little water is readily available. I am amazed and relieved that more of these fires don t get out of hand

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