obvious but convenient

We found out today that Edgar has been getting his teeth brushed after lunch every day he's been at nursery, seemingly without the mild struggle he seems inclined to exhibit when we try it at home. Hopefully he'll sleep a little better tonight after eventually getting nice fresh teeth after only being a tiny bit sick (though still over me, as the previous two nights) and thus retaining his comforting evening-milks.


Had I been a little quicker today I could have tested the focus-tracking on newcamera's HD video capture (at a nice filmy-looking slightly-flickery 24fps) to record an Aldi carrier bag dancing erratically in the wind next to the roadworks on Home Street. I could then have spent half the evening trying to get some of the primitive video editing software I have somewhere to manipulate the resultant huge file without crashing and the other half trying to record a ukulele version of 'Any Other Time' to stick over the top of it. Luckily the bag was caught on an outcrop of building before I could take the camera out of my bag.

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