
By Amalarian


On the 30th I uploaded a picture of what should have been called Grotty Gate and several people asked to see it when painted. Ok, here it is, this time with Cloud who is looking in that direction because Himself with the dog biscuits is there. She does not work for nothing, you know.

The reason for this gate's existence is on the earlier page. We do not need this gate at all We live at the end of a dead end road, a road so hairy only the brave will drive it. The postino certainly won't so we have to have our post box a km away attached to a neighbour's shed. Couriers turn back, too, so we have to pick up parcels at a petrol station five kms away. At one point, and not on our land, there is one of those drops wherein you cannot see over the bonnet and if there is a road beneath. There is nothing but air on one side. People back up cautiously when they reach this point.

Lawn arriving.

I tried uploading via the slow satellite server to see if I could avoid having the pic go out of focus. No luck. Have uploaded it again via the fast server, marginal improvement. The mystery remains.

For the record: +18 C. Sunny. Humidity 100%. Turf for lawn is here at last.

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