Planko's Pics

By planko


...the saga continues. It's definitely not an April fools joke.

Phoned AA in the morning who then sent a guy out who knew he wouldn't be able to get into the car park because of the height restrictions and had already told the call center that.

Several hours and many phone calls later, a team of three Edinburgh lads arrived as the AA had passed the job onto them. The most helpful guys I've come across and had me in stitches since the moment they arrived with their great humour and jokes.

They spent the best part of an hour attempting to break the steering lock (and they knew exactly what they were doing and how to do it!), but couldn't because of some features ford have build into the car. No wonder my little commuter car has never been pinched, its too hard now.

So, they then jacked up the front wheels on little dollies and we had to push the car down from the 6th floor, with many cars backing up behind us and problems to endure over the next hour it took (we did stop several times and let the cars pass at each level). Its not easy man handling & pushing a car down a circular ramp that's uneven, pot holed, missing drain covers etc.

Finally down at 6pm only to find a hump at the exit which we couldn't cross with the dollies. So, quick call, NCP guys showed up, opened up the entry barrier, took down some chains, and voila, onto the transporter and away.

Finally home at 8pm, 4 hours after having left work to meet them.

Up next, giving the car company a kick up the arse for giving me the wrong key as a spare, and also getting a replacement key....


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