Thistle Down

By Ethel

My Sister

You are my sister,
My kind and loving friend.
And life in this habitation,
Has a time to end.

God called you home,
No longer need you stay.
To battle all these trials of life,
Where troubled waters lay.

Long years you've spent,
To the tasks you were assigned.
Enobling every act you made,
And loving all mankind.

Those places by the portals,
Where souls can congregate.
T'is a place for the departed,
Where the throngs of heaven wait.

True understanding is a trait,
And you were loved for worth.
You cheered so many souls along,
These mortal paths of earth.

O yes...we'll miss you being here,
We'll watch and glimpse the dawn.
Knowing you're a step ahead,
In the place where you have gone.

For men are helpless,
When they tried to keep you here,
It was God's will to have you go.
And in his realms appear.

For he knows what is best,
What things should come about.
And for his great and glorious plan,
He picked you out.

In that holy sphere of angels,
Whose tones are not the same.
We'll raise our eyes to greet you,
And softly speak your name.

It will only be a little while,
Till we see you by the throne.
Until we reach to take your hand,
And know you are our own.

E.P. 1908 - 1989

Dedicated to Patrice and Deanne. Sisters.

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