Susie'sLittle London Life

By susieb

Bye Bye Extra-Large Suitcase

The week before our wedding, we were shopping for accessories to spruce up the venue, when I spotted this rather natty, extra-large suitcase. "How romantic!" I cried, "to only take one suitcase on our honeymoon!". Gareth thought that it was a) hideous, and b) ridiculous, but being the gentleman that he is, quickly backed down for fear of tipping the bride over the edge.

Of course, he was right at least on point b); in order to fill it with everything required for 2 people for a week, it then becomes too heavy for the baggage handlers. And so it has been used just the once, sitting in a cupboard ever since, it's only function to prettily case G's cricket pads.

So today, the day in which if something cannot prove it's usefulness it gets listed on Ebay, I finally relinquished my pride, and agreed to part company with it.

This photo serves as a testament to the fact that yes, one day, we really did have a suitcase that I could fit into.

And, before anyone asks; no, I'm not a midget.

Happy Saturday everyone.

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