Hello Ducky

No idea what the rubber ducky was doing on the jetty but I got very badly lost after dropping the eldest off with a pal to the extent that I ended up at Whiteadder Reservoir. I saw the jetty so decided to have a wander. The place was deserted apart from the duck and the jetty was very unstable for a landlubber like myself. In fact I'm glad it was deserted so nobody could see me commando crawling along on my belly.

Wound my way home eventually, driving through some beautiful countryside and listening to Liz Kershaw on 6Music. Then straight out for a game of footie with Joe.

When we eventually got chased off the pitch by the guy who had to lock it up for the night Joe said "I bet you're dying for a pint now Dad". You know what - he was right. So it was a pint for me on the banks of the Tyne and an orange juice for him and a good old natter. Back home for some scoff and to watch the end of the cricket world cup. Happy days!

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