
By tintintti

Turmion kätilöt

Went to see Ajattara and Turmion kätilöt last night. Ajattara was good and TK was beyond great.

TK's shows (and actually the whole band) are always a bit... controversial. This shot was taken during the song "Teurastaja" (= "The Butcher"). Before the song, the other vocalist brought a guy on the stage and asked if the audience would like to see him beaten. So his was (and obviously liked it, since he started dancing afterwards (Sorry, I couldn't rotate the video because I don't have any video editing sotfware...)).

This is mostly the part they are singing in the video:

"Silloin veri kuohahtaa
kun pitkä ja hikinen hevari huutaa.
Silmät päästä puskahtaa
kun se lattialle oksentaa.

Se istuu neitsyt Marian viereen
ja tulipatsaita taivaaseen pieree.
Polvistuu paavin eteen
ja heittää paavin aterian veteen"

And a loose translation:

"Blood surges
when a tall and sweaty metalhead screams.
Eyes spurt out of your head
when it vomits on the floor.

It sits next to Virgin Mary
and farts pillars of fire into heaven.
Kneels before the pope
and throws the popes meal to water."

And they didn't actually hurt the guy, just spanked him a little bit.

Ajattara, before midnight.

edit: If you want to hear what the music sound like or something like that, I recommend watching for example a music video of Minä määrään (not for very easily offended), which is way better quality and shows some of their live shows too. My video isn't exactly high quality...

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