Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Out for a spin...

...with his big brother.

Noah cannot think of anything more wonderful than being whizzed up and down the road by his speed-freak BB. He squealed with delight the whole time.

I'm going to campaign for a new law for more Saturdays like today's :-) Time to do a bit of work; time to garden; time to make sushi for supper and time to watch my two boys play together...on the trampoline...on the swing...on the climbing frame...on various speedy contraptions dragged out of the garage.

Just a lovely day really.

I did get a bit of scare when I was washing up after lunch and I glanced up the garden to see a tiny face peeking over the top of the slide. It seems Noah can now climb the very steep ladder...oops. By the time I'd raced up the garden he'd hurled himself down said slide head first. He looked up, startled, with a face full of dirt, grinned and said, ''gain...'gain", before heading back round to the ladder.

When I told H about this new skill he said breezily, " Oh yes, he climbs the ladder to my bed too..." GAAAAAH! One more thing thing for him to throw himself off. I suspect the casualty staff may soon be familiarising themselves with the littlest Grant in the way they have already familiarised themselves with the slightly larger version!

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