Life blips n'blobs

By Vikvet

Classically inclined

I know. I seem to float aimlessly from one photographic genre to another, but it's good fun to experiment and see what I can achieve.

I make no apologies for the classically influenced, Gothic monument inspired blip. I think it's one of the most beautiful and inspiring sights, and I never tire of looking at it every day.

I love the fact too that my day is now broken up into Blip sized chunks, i.e.
driving to work, (looking for a blip),
working, (looking for a cute blip),
lunch and a quick trip to the supermarket, (looking harder now for a blip),
the drive home, (getting slightly worried now, looking very hard for a blip),
getting home, (desperation sets in, looking for anything blippable),
finding a photo that I think will make a decent subject, (thinking hard about blip),
playing with aforementioned photo in GIMP, (playing God with Blip),
uploading the blip, (oh Blip, have I done the right one?),
writing the comment, (blip-rambling),
and then commenting on everyone else's blips, (more subjective blip-rambling),
then finally realising that once again it's way past my bedtime, (blip regret),
getting to bed, (thinking about the blips I have seen),
and finally getting to sleep, (Blip-land of Nod).

Then it starts again.

It's relentless, exhausting, and damn you Blip for making such a welcoming and blooming addictive site!

So I'm trying, to blip early tonight, but no-doubt will spend the rest of the night catching up on all the wonderful insights into everyone else's life.

Can we have a support group?

Blippers Anonymous.

"Hello my name is Vikki and I'm addicted to Blip"


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