In Tru Life

By TruLife

Mother's Day Preparations...

...and apparently they are top secret, and involve lots of whispering with daddy!

Floriana has another cold and even though she eats plenty of fruit and veg I think I may start giving her a multivit. She also developed an eye infection this afternoon/evening and unlike all the other sticky eyes I've ever cared for as nanny or mummy, regular salt-water-soaked cotton wool wipes didn't keep it at bay! So tomorrow when I get taken out for tea, I shall nip to Boots for some drops! Poor wee sausage!

She was extremely sleepy today and slept for 4 hours straight from 10 till 2! I thought she must need it so left her and then she ate a really good lunch, she also had lots of chicken and sweetcorn soup at tea and fruit and lots of my roll! She kept saying "peeeeese" really sweetly while doing our sign and nodding. And first time ever thanks to a lovely tweeter babysigningmum I took her advice and asked Flori to sign and say thank you before I gave her the roll, and hey presto she did!! Yeah I've been trying for months with no luck asking her to sign after she gets what she wants... d'oh!

In case you didn't guess we ended up at softplay again! This one's a bit of a better picture than last time as I was only there with daddy so didn't need to chat! Hehehe!

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