Dave's Views

By davethespoon

Synchronised Skating

The pond skaters were out in force today and if I had more time to idle would be interesting to watch more closely - I might sit near and watch them through binoculars tomorrow. They seem to be voracious feeders and often have some smaller insect in their mandibles. Sometimes they leap one upon another and I can't decide if it's a ravenous attack or a lustful advance.

These two were having nothing more to do with each other. Tricky things to photograph as the slightest vibration sends them all scurry floating away with their backs turned to the camera.

However once again pleased to play with Steve's lens (see yesterday) and putting the camera into auto focus servo mode worked well with the insects, which continually slide around on the water surface in the breeze. Shot a whole bunch of sharp shots with even the eyes in focus.

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