
By lifeandstuff

"un champagne sil vous plait"

"You are my champion. I want you to be mine for life. Nothing existed before you. It's all gone" La vie en rose

So, the wee one's wine went down very well. As did "la vie en rose" a film loaned to me by a friend. From the moment it started, I was in tears. An amazing film, and blubbered from beginning to end. Also, when it finished, I thought it (after a bottle of wine) it would be a good idea to text people in French. I dont speak a lot of french. So didnt last too long. But hey... They all know me. And that I am a little odd. But a fantastic film nonetheless. Loved it.

today, a fantastic day, full of great humour, and the girls were on top form. I love days like that.

came home to the wee one and hubby watching tv. Like this. Beautiful. Had another fabby night watching films and drinking wine. Lovely.

American journalist: If you were to give advice to a woman, what would it be?
Edith Piaf: Love.
American journalist: To a young girl?
Edith Piaf: Love.
American journalist: To a child?
Edith Piaf: Love

hope you have had a lovely day. :-) x

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