Rainy Day in Oregon

By jerispics

Canis latrans

Coyote. His scientific name means "barking dog"; its common name comes from coyotl, the name usd by Mexico's Nahuatl Indians. He is the best runner among the canids and normally cruises at 25 to 40 mph (40-50km/h), getting up to 40 mph (65km/h) for short distances, and can make 14 foot (4.25 m) leaps.
He ran across the road in front of us and leapt a woven wire fence, ran across a field and then stopped in the weeds to look at us. I had my long lense on but was hand holding it, so this is really the clearest pic of him looking at us. I have one actually in focus of the back of his head, but decided to show this one of him facing the camera. I say he, because he was rather large so I believe he was a male. This is all I got today, blurry coyote and even blurrier (is that a word?) hummingbird.

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