Have The Kirkelton.

This is a little back blip. Yesterday I had an ace day, from 10am through to 6pm basically either talking about or playing football with Kirky. We kicked about at the park, had a few close games on FIFA (20 odd) and listened to his team West Ham (get beat) and my team (get beat) on the radio. Then Zana came home and we had a drive about for a drink, before she cooked. They left about midnight, just had a great day.

This screenshot came from the last game of FIFA we played. Every other game was close, but here I managed to rattle of ten. This may be of little interest to most, but y'know what? To me it was the icing on the cherry on the top tier of a twenty seven tiered cake made specifically for the purpose of me being able to gloat endlessly.

I'll be blipping today and I promise nothing weak, self indulgent or arrogant like this.

Just look at it though. 10-0. Hahahahahahahahahaha.

Oh yeah had another message from Debs. She's really nice and the next time we interact I'm suggesting a drink at a local pub. Too soon?

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