Dreaming in Blues

By SapphireDreamer

Pencil Work

Just a pencil lying on the sidewalk crushed by a tire or passing shoe. Went to a presentation today by McGraw-Hill, a publishing company that specializes in textbooks. Considering I'll hopefully be teaching my own class soon, as my internship starts next quarter, I definitely appreciated the information. I thought it was really cool that not only can i email the representative and she'll send me free textbooks to look at and keep, but i can choose to 'create my own textbook', use an 'ebook' for my class to keep the textbook cost down and as an environmentally-friendly option, but I can order stuff for my own thesis work, too. Found out that the way to any academic's heart is free food and free textbooks/books. Nothing else, really. Back to homework?

*edit: my actual teaching will be as a GA in an undergraduate-level sociology class. That is, until I get my Ph.D. Which is in my plans. I wanna teach college-level sociology/criminology and get paid to do research. I'm a dork. :)

Her nod to the bouncer and brief head-tilt indicated that the boy was to be let in although he was obviously underage. The bouncer, an old friend of hers, nodded in response and let the boy past with only a passing glance. The boy looked frightened. He should. Kit was 6'9" with broad shoulders and a glare to match. The girl took her usual seat at the bar and nodded to the bartender. He knew her drink and set it before her along with a bowl of pretzels. She turned on her stool and sat back against the bar with her drink in her hand to watch the show.

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