Mother's Day

With 6 kids and 3 dogs between us at Tentsmuir today, my friend V and I didn't have the most relaxing Mother's Day.

We do, however, have very tired dogs and children so a bit of peace and quiet is on the cards this evening.

That and the bottle of rose wine Bro1 chose for me when I took The Bros to the supermarket so they could choose a present for me :-) That boy will go far. (Dotty says so, so it must be true)

I am training him to be the world's best husband. So far he can do dishes, take the bins out, clean the dog run, vacuum the floors and entertain his little Bros very well. The washing machine's finer points are next on his list.

This photo sums the day up, the kids did almost nothing they were told, they had a brilliant time though and we gave up in the end anyway!

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