
By Poppy

One man and his dog!

As this is my journal, this is just because they both looked so happy as they came back from careering around the fields, geese scaring! This is my neighbour, John, a dairy farmer who owns the land round these parts. When Meg gets tired of running along side, John stops to let her up on the bike, which she loves. To see them going speeding round the fields, Meg with her ears streaming out behind her, they both seem to be having so much fun.

The number of geese in Orkney is increasing every year, and now instead of just coming for the winter, they stay all year. Unfortunately they tear the grass up, roots included, so there are huge bare areas, covered with their dirt and paddled to mud. This is the grass which is needed to put the animals out on after six months indoors, the first green feed they'll have had in that time. It is a real and growing problem - one of the islands employed a person whose job was as a goose scarer! Now, there's a job for Ollie and me!

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