Rascal Has A Boyfriend

There are three reasons I have chose this blip:

1. It looked cute pre treatment
2. There are some interesting colours in my backyard
3. I was too busy to shoot anything mildly interesting.

I know my back yard looks a bit gippo, but it could be worse. Under that tarpaulin is a damaged toilet pan. If I turned 180 degrees there is landscaping, a patio and all sorts of other decadent trapping of the modern back yard. Probably. Either that or overgrown grass, a JTF patio table purchased at half price and a rogue cat shit nestling amongst the under growth.

Look lets face it, no one really visits my journal for the photographic ability do they? It'd kinda be like going to the library and getting the Beano out. You come here to chuckle at my misfortune, raise an eyebrow at my bad language and hope that one day I'll finally get the girl.

Well heres some misfortune: I flipped my mattress (?) last night to see if I got a better nights sleep. Turns out it isn't double sided. I sussed this at 4am as another srping scraped my ribs. I was however chuffed it caught my ribs and not a love handle. Mind you a love handle would be fairly redundant, it's not like I have to hang on to myself.

Too far Gary.

Secondly you should see the balls on that ginger cat. They're like two golf balls coated in orange fuzzy felt. No wonder Rascal looks surprised. I just realised heres a shot of a ginger getting the girl. Don't see that often.

The match chats are going well. Debs is a lovely girl who seems interesting and smart. So far I've only omitted mental breakdown and casual drug use, hoping that by the time we meet neither will be relevant. Mind you she works at the hospital, hope she doesn't check my records.... not after clinic 11 in 2008 anyway.

Tonights agenda? Wait for a message, kick Kirkys ass all over my living room on FIFA and chalk another weed free day up. I don't mind admitting I've had a history with the demon green, but right at this moment is the longest I've been without for ten years: I'm not going back.

Tomorrow I promise something mildly interesting, so for all you muso's out there here is a link for you to enjoy / comment on etc. It's my own little dedication to the bankers, politicians and welfare scroungers of this world.

Sending peace, love and kisses out to this whole stinking world.

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