noble maggie

By maggiesays

Busy busy

In the middle of this picture, you might spot the female blackbird who has chosen to fabricate her nestdirectly opposite the sitting room window, just six feet away. This was not here this morning when I linked the washing line to that hook! She also seems to have another nest slightly to the right of this one, under a curtain of ivy. Perhaps she is 'just looking'?
And about 10 feet to the right, again under cover, a pair of robins are also nesting, this time dead opposite the door, perhaps 5 feet away?

Now, I was planning to jet-wash the deck (just above this wall) and the slabs (just below it) in the next fortnight. Seems I will have to think again!

I was going to share the 'telescopic plume management kit' of my shiny new boiler, but this is more me. And the periscope will still be there tomorrow...

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