
By Croz

They Walk Amongst Us

This afternoon Cryno asked me what I enjoy photographing most of all. It's a tough question for me to answer but it has to be the street...people, buildings, small moments in time.. humanity in its environment.

We were going into the antique shop but we were too late. It was closed. Turning round, I liked the way the light was falling and making shadows on the otherside of the street, the diagonal shadows on the pavement, the curtain and window, the red items on either flank and then I saw this ghostlike lady approaching, she caught my eye and I'm sure she considered taking a left turn but she carried right on and walked bang into the frame in my minds eye. I lifted the camera, hit the shutter and in a few moments she was gone and so were we.


I finally managed to watch American Gangster.. Brilliant performance from Denzel as usual.. Supremely filmed.. Croz Rating ; 4/5

"If there was an enemy at all it was bad disco music, and it seems now you've got the same equivalent, except it's got this amazing packaging of Disney World all over it."

-- Dave Vanian..The Damned

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