Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud!

Arrived yesterday at the Marriott Resort & Spa, Jordan Valley for the weekend. Nice to get out of the cold and miserable Amman and down into some warmer weather.

Had a verrry relaxing time in the spa yesterday, followed by a really good meal in their Italian restaurant. Read lots of trashy mags and another book, and resisted paying for an internet connection in order to blip. (It's about time these big-named hotels provided free internet access - it was foc nearly the whole time I was in Vietnam) The sun was shining and the cloudless sky was blue as I pulled back the curtains (late) this morning so I was able to do what I wanted to do, which was to go swimming in the Dead Sea. The winds had died and it was gorgeous! Have blogged some other pics and blurb, (link in 'about' page) but here's one I prepared earlier.

That's my weekend over. Back to work tomorrow.

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