Journies at home

By journiesathome

The writing on the wall - Universite Paul Sabatier

I hadn't seen this before, and I'm always looking for graffiti - this is a new one and it hit a chord.
It is easy enough to leave your country, but harder to establish yourself in another.
I am a European citizen, and have lived here, full time, for seven years. I am a qualified teacher, and yet cannot get a contracted teaching job in l'Education Nationale, because I do not have French nationality.
I have worked as a vacataire, teaching English to final year science graduates since the beginning of the academic year. I am paid by the hour, twice a year and there is a (low) ceiling on the number of hours I can work annually.
I love the work, the students, the subject matter, even the long drive from my little village in the Aude, but realise that it is unsustainable.
I fed the peage machine with seventy 10 centime pieces today, to get me there and back and am not sure where the money will come from to get me to Toulouse for my lessons on friday.
I haven't given up yet, and there are droits de l'homme so much more pressing than my own, I just wish France would give me a chink of hope.

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