The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

It's a Grupalo!

Callum has recently developed a real love for books (PRAISE BE!) and spent a good half hour this evening entertaining himself by reading "The Gruffalo" over and over again. It was very sweet, especially as he couldn't quite remember bits of it and had to improvise as best as wee imagination would let him:

"he has bright lellow teeth and come for lunch in my tree house, ssssssss-snake said, no i'm at supper wif a grupalo".

Bless his wee heart. He is a real rough and tumble wee boy for the most part (his favourite colour is bloooo 'cos boys are blooooo and girls don' like bloooo) so it's ace to see him developing his creative side too! Despite the fact that there are books all over the place, I never wanted to be one of those mums that forced their kids to do stuff just because *I* enjoyed delighted that the kids are all developing a love for reading - long may it continue.

Won't be blipping for the next few days as we're dropping off the Matrix for a while but will back blip once we're plugged back in again!

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