
By schlimm

Steeples and Spires

A steeple, in architecture, is a tall tower on a building, often topped by a spire. Steeples are very common on Christian churches and cathedrals and the use of the term generally connotes a religious structure. They may be stand-alone structures, or incorporated into the entrance or center of the building.

A spire is a tapering conical or pyramidal structure on the top of a building, particularly a church tower. Etymologically, the word is derived from the Old English word spir, meaning a sprout, shoot, or stalk of grass.

Thanks to wikipedia for the above definitions

At the end of a busy day at work we went for a blipwander drive round Arthur's seat and I saw this view for the first time in absolute years from this height. I really must get the kids to walk up here with me this spring/summer. I want to blip the castle again, I did today but these spires/steeples looked more interesting.

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