Kite Flying!
Went to Australia Fair shopping centre today to get an Easter present for Alexandra. For some reason I looked up, and this is the ceiling, I've never noticed it before.
Alexandra collects fairy figurines, and she'd seen a really nice Tinkerbell one, in one of those shops that sells nik naks, that make nice presents.
She'd mentioned that she thought it was too expensive for her to buy a few weeks ago, and I'd forgotten all about it. suddenly remembered it, so dashed out hoping it hadn't been sold. Luckily it was still there. So Easter present is now sorted.
The rest of the day was spent with me trying to make a unicorn!! A friend of my sister's wants one, trouble is I'm used to making bears, not unicorns. I'm having a go, but I don't think I'm using the right fabric either.
If it turns out ok I'll blip it if it not it'll be in the bin.
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