Another Day

By pcc

BIG Black Furry Spider.

This morning I pulled my drapes, and saw a very big black blob on the inside of my nets.
OMG it was a massive spider!. Grabbed a jar with a lid and put him in the fridge as there was no time to photograph him at that stage.
After returning from the vets with Amber (Her eyes are improving), I then got the spider out of the fridge, and found an old board to put him on.
He was very still and had hunched himself up with his massive long legs, in a protective position. The legs formed a circle with his knee joints over the big soft part of his abdomen, and you could barely see his eyes poking out between the front ones.
Well it took about an hour before he decided that he was going to move. And when he moved he was quite fast, and very large with his legs out - probably about 8 cm long.
Terribly hard to photograph with macro and yet get the depth of field so everything was in focus.
I have spent over 2 hours waiting for him to move, and to get a different shot, and in the end I released him into the wood pile.
I have looked up the internet briefly but did not find what kind of spider he was.
He looks like a trap door spider but I do not know.
I will research a little more.
I have looked up and found that he is a Trapdoor Spider, Cantuaria sp
Hope I do not have bad dreams tonight!!

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